Monday 9 February 2009

Audience Profiles for Method 2

From our group's research into audience (audience research 1 and audience research 2) we have drawn up a plan of who will be our film's target audience.

Age Group: From looking at both of our questionnaire results, it would become apparent and clearer that the age group which would be most attracted into watching our thriller "Iniquity" is an audience demographic between the ages of 15 and 25 years. This is because that this particular age group would be more attracted to lots of action and be able to identify with male lead characters, who this demographic would idolise.

Gender: The gender which would most likely be attracted and drawn into watching our thriller is males. This is because they would be drawn to the fast paced action and adventure portrayed in the film, and secretly they would wish they were like the male protagonist. Furthermore, from the results of our questionnaire more males than females in our demographic said they preferred action thrillers and fast paced films. However, we intend to capture a wider audience, consisting of more females, due to having a main female role and voice over, and the narrative from the perspective of this character.

Occupation: The vast majority of our audience will be mainly made up of students, because between the ages of 15 and 25 years, you grow from being a sixth form student to a University student. This is again, backed from our questionnaires when in aspirations; a vast majority of our demographic stated that they would like to attend University.

Ethnicity: We intend and are aiming to have a mixed variety of audience, because we plan to have a mixed cast to give the film a wider range of audience and demographic.

Aspirations: The audience for our thriller film will mostly aspire to be fully educated with perhaps a degree, because on our questionnaires participants stated that they wanted to aspire to attend University. They would also aspire gain experience, and this is backed up by evidence on our questionnaires as a vast majority of the participants said they would also like to travel. Therefore, our audience will have high aims, and aspirations.

Interests: They will have typical male interests such as meeting up with there mates, having a good time and playing sports such as football or rugby. From looking at our questionnaires, we discovered that this group would enjoy action and comedy TV programmes and films, and they will also enjoy listening to music such as pop or rock .Our questionnaires also showed that participants enjoyed listening to the radio, such as stations like Radio 1 and Kiss and Broadland (local area stations). However, about only half of our participants said they enjoyed reading Newspapers and Magazines, but the participants who did enjoy reading Newspapers said they did pay attention to the news, therefore indicating some more of their interests. Films that they may enjoy include 'Layer Cake', 'Essex Boys' and television shows such as 'CPS.'


vmb said...

You need to scan all of your evaluation onto your blog as requested or you will be penalised by the board.
Could you do this as soon as possible because an evaluation of target audience is not enough to achieve the grade that was originally given to you.

vmb said...

Lucy's assessed audience research which she hasn't scanned onto the blog is strong Level 3: 15/20. But she must scan all her research onto the blog as evidence.