Sunday 26 October 2008

Initial Idea's for our Thriller Production

Our initial idea for our film is that we have decided to try and produce an Action Thriller. This is because we want to shoot scenes in a busy atmosphere setting, such as within a city. Therefore, we also want our film to contain a modern style.
We have decided that so far, our main basic idea for the film is that we want to start of with something exciting happening. Therefore we are going to start of with a beginning of a chase scene. For example we will start of with a long shot of a street with jazzy music starting to play, and then suddenly across the screen they’ll be a group of about five guys chasing each other with sounds of gun shots. The music will grow really loud and continue on, then all a sudden the screen will flash back in time to a gathering of men in a deserted park at night time. This will create mystery within the film as it will keep the audience guessing. Within the park scene we’ll start of with a pan shot moving from high angle to low angle of one of the main guys. Then the camera angle will zoom out so we can see all the other guys in the groups. Thriller signifiers will include the men smoking cigars, and props such as guns. Within the meeting park, the jazzy music will grow quieter at points so you can hear some of the dialogue, so it will come apparent to the audience that the men are discussing some sort of drug/business deal, and the whole shot will be made exciting with increasing tension between the guys with them getting angry at each other. Another twist which we might include in the film is that in the gathering, one of the guys phone will ring and the audience learn that it’s his wife. It also becomes clear that the wife thinks her husband is in a normal business meeting at work, and what becomes apparent is hat his wife calls the guy a different name from what all the other men call him. During this part of the thriller introduction the music will stop, then suddenly start up again. This again creates mystery. There will also be flash back shots of the wife sitting at home. Finally, the end will involve the camera shot suddenly going back to same street where the chase began, and we get to see some of the chase between all five men.
Films which have influenced our group are Layer Cake because of the action involved in it. Another film which has influenced us is Mr and Mrs Smith because the two main characters in it are man and wife, and lies and deception are used within the film. We are also gaining ideas about what type of camera shots to use especially from Layer Cake. So we are defiantly trying to achieve making an action thriller, which also has a modern style.
Overall, we are trying to achieve making an exciting beginning of a thriller film which will immediately capture the audience’s attention. We mainly want to explore what type of work goes into producing an action packed film. Hopefully we will be able to achieve this well.

Saturday 25 October 2008

Photo's I have taken which I will edit for my Perfume Advert

This photo shows two hands joining, which will be my image signifying love and a relationship. This will also relate back to the film "The Notebook," as that is also about love. Obviously I will edit the photo, but this is just a basic close-up shot.

Originally, this photo was just meant to show of buildings of a city landscape, but I decided to use the shot of the tree in front, to almost make the cathedral behind look blurry, so the tree stands out. The tree and buildings almost look like like an image from a city such as Paris or Italy, so again it adds to the romance theme.

The photo of the perfume bottle is my CKIN2U bottle. I will edit out the name in the photo to "Simplicity," the name of my perfume. But this is a basic close-up.

Monday 20 October 2008

Idea's for own perfume advertisement

Overall, my own perfume advertisement will include a general Mise-en-scene with a city scape at the top half of the advertisement, and rain which is a symbol of love. The rain is also a reference to the famous love scene in the recent film "The Notebook." Therefore this is suggesting that the perfume is based around the general idea of love.
On the advert there will be a close up shot of the perfume bottles, one for "him" and one for "her," then just above there will be two hands joined, which again symbolizes a relationship. The actual perfume bottle will be the same for both the men and women's one, accept on the top right hand corner there will be two different signs. One will be a cross symbol for the man, and the other will be a hug symbol for the women's. Then finally, in the bottom right hand corner there will be a label either saying "For Her," or "For Him."
The target audience for this perfume will be for around the ages of 20-30 years, and for both genders. This is because I want the perfume to be at the same time aimed at young, yet sophisticated people. For example the age group that are into serious relationships. It will also be for the "Intermediate managerial, administrative or professional middle class." This is mainly because this perfume will be fairly expensive and of a high brand name. They will also be "Strivers" as they believe in importance when it comes to image, status and holding on to traditional values.

Narrative Structure of Chinatown

The overall narrative structure of Chinatown is filled with plenty of thriller signifiers, and consists of a beginning, middle, a twist, climax and the end.
For starters, in the beginning of the film, we’re introduced to the main character Gittes who is hired to spy on Hollis Mulwray, the chief engineer of the city’s water department. This is a typical introductory into a thriller film, as we already know the basis of the plot. The mise-en-scene at the beginning of this film is filled with thriller signifiers. We’re introduced to dark intense rooms, which are filled with symbols such as slatted blinds which create shadows, which as we know can be quite deceiving. The darks shadows are also mixed with bright lights which contrast of each other. Also, the character of Gittes is a typical male protagonist, who is quite a flawed hero. He smokes, drinks and is quite sexists towards women. The main female lead at the beginning is Evelyn Mulwray, (Mr Mulwrays wife) who is a character associated with sexuality and danger.
However, as the film progresses, we later discover in one of the films spiralling and twisting narratives that an actress was actually hired to play the part of Evelyn, but as this point we as the audience don’t know why. This is quite an interesting twist in the story, as the plot begins to reveal itself. A sinister of threatening atmosphere occurs when Gittes “runs into” a thug whose security of the water department and ends up getting his nose slashed, and at this point we’re in the middle of the film. Gittes becomes quite an intense character, as you see him lurking behind shadows and spying on people. Another one of the twists is also that Gittes and Evelyn sleep together, which is quite a typical thing to happen in a thriller film. This is because quite often the main lead guy and women often start an in-appropriate relationship, which adds to the intensity of the film. To add the atmosphere, plenty of diagetic sound is played which switched between growing louder and quieter. We also witness uses of vanishing points, for instance uses of zooming shots are used to give the effect of a corridor gradually becoming distant. There’s also feeling of claustrophobia in the film, as Evelyn feels both physically, yet psychologically enclosed with all the lies and pressure.
The climax of the story is when we discover that Katherine is both Evelyn’s daughter and sister, and Mr Mulwray is discovered with salt water in his lungs, even though his body was found in a freshwater reservoir. This shows that the film Chinatown is filled with plenty of twisting narratives. We also as the audience discover all the secrets of the story. Gittes also chooses to help Evelyn and Katherine escape to Mexico, after he finds out that she had an “un-natural” relationship with her father.
The end of the story is very dramatic, as Gittes arranges a hiding place in Chinatown to meet Evelyn and Catherine, although by the time he arrives there, he is greeted by the police who are about to arrest him. “Cross” approaches Katherine trying to claim custody of her, and a typical thriller signifier happens when Evelyn shoots her father in the arm, although as she drives of with Katherine, she is unfortunately shot dead by the police. This contains themes of destruction and corruption, and is a very dramatic way to end a thriller.

Thursday 16 October 2008

My Own Media Studies Questionnaire

(I handed copies of this questionnaire out to friends and family and got the results. This is just a template to show what I made.)

Media Studies Questionnaire
Please tick the following bullet points; you may tick more than one.

1) Occupation:
· Student
· Working
· Other............

2) Aspirations:
· Travelling
· Going to University
· Getting a full time job

3) How many films do you watch a month?
· 0-1
· 2-4
· 5 +

4) What type of films do you prefer to watch?
· American
· British
· Foreign
· Mainstream Hollywood

5) Do you enjoy watching crime/thriller films?
· Yes
· No
· Sometimes

6) How do you find out about new and upcoming films?
· Trailers at the cinema
· Trailers on the TV
· Posters
· Interviews with the cast
· Talk shows
· Radio
· Internet
· Word of mouth

7) Do you pay attention to either magazines or newspapers?
· Yes
· No

8) How often would you say you listen to the radio?
· Daily
· Once or twice a week
· Monthly
· Never

9) What is your favourite type of thrillers?
· Horror Thrillers
· Sci-fi Thrillers
· Crime Thrillers
· Psychological Thrillers
· Spy Thrillers

10) Please state your favourite thriller film.

Tuesday 14 October 2008

Layer Cake

The opening shots and mise-en-scene of Layer Cake starts of with an explosion from the back of the car, which straight away captures the audience's attention. Plenty of zooming and medium shots are used, and the mise-en-scene at the beginning switches regularly, mostly between scenes of a prison and the city. The scenes all contain a very clinical feel about them, as we learn the narrative mostly revolves around drug use. This has quite an effect on the opening of the film, as for starters the explosion immediately makes the film exciting, therefore the audience are dragged into the action themselves. The quick camera angle shots give the film an exciting fast paced effect, which is perfect for a thriller.
The opening credits are in white, which again connote quite a simple, yet colourless, clinical feel. The credits are presented at the bottom corners of the screen, and the title "Layer Cake," appears on a door as it slams. The mise-en-scene while the credits are rolling is of the countryside, and watching an expensive car being driven around the windy roads. The typography is overall small and quite subtle, so you hardly see them turn up. The music in the background is quite up-tempo and pop.
The overall mise-en-scene is a short Montonarge of History, as it goes through right from the beginning while the drug dealers are in prison, to the 60's and present day. Therefore the shots are very fast paced, and moves from scene to scene. It's almost covering a dozen story lines at once.
As the film continues on, there are plenty more thriller signifiers included in the film. For example, in one certain mise-en-scene there's a fan included in the background, with the colours dimmed down. The effect of this is that it almost gives the feel of being in a detectives office. You can also hear the heart of Danielle Craig pounding, showing how scared he is, which increases the intensity. There's also scenes such as black mailing over the phone and plenty of chase scenes. This all adds into the fact that this film is very fast paced editing. The music is also effective, as when something bad is happening, the music tends to grow louder, giving the audience an indication that something is about to happen. Then the music calms down when the situation has reserved itself.
There's also plenty of effective shots involved. This includes vanishing points, shots taken at ground level, tracking shots, over the head shots and extreme close ups. The effect of this is that it makes the film more interesting to watch, as its always moving around and something going on.
However, despite Layer Cake being a good film, the one thing that annoys me is the ending. This is because I don't like the fact that Danielle Craig dies, when the audience are lead to believe he's got away with everything. Although this does serve his character right, as towards the end he becomes very full of himself, therefore he was almost asking to be shot. It's also clever that we're never told his name throughout the film, which is probably a way to increase the intensity and mystery.

The Opening of Sin City

The opening shots and mise-en-scene of Sin City, first if all include the black and white city scape mise-en-scene. Everything is in black and white except the women's dress and lipstick, which is in fact bright red, which connotes love, danger and passion. The type of shots that are used include over the head shots, mid-shots and a effective pan/zoom out shot, which shows the city land scape. The music in the background is a jazz theme, and there are sounds of sirens.
The opening credits are a good use of bold typography, which stands out against the general black and grey mise-en-scene. The colour of all the credits are bright red, which also connotes blood and again, danger. There are also images of drawings being shown on screen while the credits are being rolled in, which most of all in black and white.
The overall general mise-en-scene is of the city, and the rain is very stylized with use of graphics, in fact the whole of that scene is quite edited, and of been most likely shot by green screen. There are bright white city lights, which stand out against the dark colours. The women stands out against the mise-en-scene, and her figure and sexuality is very emphasized by the way they make her red dress stand out.
There are also plenty of special effects used, such as her green eyes which suddenly stand out for a split second. There also fairly slow placed shots, and the music is non-diagetic. There's even use of Monochromatic lightning.

Monday 6 October 2008

Prada Perfume Advert

This perfume advertisement didn't shock or surprise me at all, as this is very stereotypical in it's genre of a designer perfume.
For starters, the model used in the advertisement wears a direct mode of address, which engages and captures the readers attention. This means already the perfume is attracting an audience. The close-up-shot of the actual perfume bottle, means you can view it clearly, gaining an idea of what it's like. It's also a close-up shot of the models face, so you can see her facial expression very clearly. The symbolic codes such as the one glove showing is quite a traditional and elegant feature, meaning the perfume itself must be for a sophisticated women, as the bottle is quite a simple design itself.
The brown and black colours connote and convey mystery, yet the advert is quite striking in a simple way as it's not overly complicated. The eye colour of the model are the same colour as the perfume bottle top, making them both stand out. The advertisement is basically telling you that if you buy this perfume, you will become as beautiful and striking as her. The symbolic codes include her clothing, yet all you see is her one glove she is wearing, which matches the whole mise-en-scene of the model and simple black background. The perfume bottle is obviously the main focus of the advert. The type of colours also suggest this is a night time perfume?
The typography is also quite simple and elegant, suggesting the perfume smell is also. The "Prada" logo is instantly recognisable, therefore it's been enlarged against the rest. The models facial expression isn't that friendly, but she manages to look glamorous.
The demographic classification of audience is either B or an A, as again Prada is a very expensive logo, therefore is mainly only affordable to middle of upper class. The perfume is also most probably for working women. Just like the Miss Dior advert, this advert is most likely to appeal to "Aspirers/Social climbers," as the women interested in this perfume is most likely interested into other designer labels such as Louis Vuitton, and this label is within the same market. The social value group is probably "Strivers" as social climbing is probably important to these type of stereotypical women. Also the glove is another sign of traditional values.

Miss Dior Perfume Advert

I found this advertisement in one of my magazines, and firstly I have to comment on how un-usual it is compared to other adverts I've seen. This most likely because there isn't actually a person featured, it's just the perfume showing of it's elegance. Therefore meaning you don't get a clear idea straight away on who the target audience is aimed at.
This advert is presenting the perfume as elegant and sophisticated. It's presented on top of boxes, so it portrays an image of a trophy. This is clearly showing of the perfume. The boxes themselves are beautifully wrapped, and the angle used is a high angle shot, meaning the audiences eye is looking at the perfume from below, making the perfume look grand and important. It's also a nice clear mid-shot, so you can see the mise-en-scene of what looks like a cafe.
The typography is laid out like a ribbon, suggesting this perfume is suitable for a present. The use of colours such as pinks, whites and yellows connote a sense of "girlyness", lightness and elegance. The flowers are also a symbol of this, which gives the advert a very feminine feel. The cup of tea in the photo also suggests this is a day time perfume, and is quite light smelling. It's almost telling you that if you buy this perfume, you will become pretty and sophisticated.
The mise-en-scene is of a little cafe in a pretty street, showing you what type of occasion you would wear the perfume too. The actual bottle is quite simple, with a bow figure around the top, again giving it a sense of femininity. There's no person actually shown in the photo, so its hard to gain an idea of what type of person it's aimed at. However, we do know this is very stereotypically a women's perfume. There isn't a hint of masculinity conveyed.
The demographic classification of audience is either a B or an A, because for starters this is clearly an expensive perfume, therefore middle and upper class can afford this. The typography is also very grand and sophisticated and the opposite of tacky, and the symbols such as the gloves would appeal to a higher market. Therefore this perfume is obviously aimed at "Aspires/Social climbers." This is because you can tell the sort of people to buy this perfume is interested in social climbing and high tech images. Louis Vuitton have also targeted this audience, and "Miss Dior" appeals to the same market. The social value group would most likely be "Strivers," as image is obviously important to the type of women who would buy this, yet at the same time the ribbon is a symbol of traditional values.