Wednesday 12 November 2008

Location Scouting

Eaton Park :

For the meeting between the two gangs in the deserted park, this will be filmed at night time. We chose Eaton park because we can film at nighttime and it has a circular building (shown on the photo) which can be used to create a claustrophobic atmosphere, and it's a spacious area. The tree's and columns surrounding the building will help create shadows and darkness which will create a sense of mystery and a convey a feeling of a thriller film. The scenery surrounding the building is also quite symmetrical, which helps give our film more style and authenticity.

Lucy's House (Living Room):

For the flash back scenes of Rex's wife talking to him on the phone. We chose this location because it is a good homely setting, perfect for a home call scene. Also, we do not need permission to film there, and it is easy to get to. The wall paper in the background also quite suits the theme of a thriller, as the colour of the deep red connotes mystery and love. The wall paper is also stylish, and the colours blend in together.

St. Benedict's Street:

For the chase scene between the two gangs at the end and beginning of thriller film. We chose this location because it is an urban setting, but not as busy as the city centre so you wont have people ruing the shots by walking into them. The buildings there such as the pub photograph appear seedy and therefore create a feeling of underbelly of the city. Also, there are alleyways leading off from the street, we can get shots using vanishing points, and we can use alleys in the chase scene to create claustrophobia.

1 comment:

clhcns said...

Good planning and location scouting