Monday 10 November 2008

My Final Perfume Advertisement

The first thing you notice when looking at my perfume advert is the hands clasped in the middle. I did this as its a signifier of love and relationships, yet there faces aren't actually revealed so it connotes a feeling of mystery. The photo in the background is of a cathedral and a magnificent tree covering it, which overall gives of a very classy and beautiful look. Again, this links in my theme of love. I used a close-up shot of the hands, as I wanted them to be the main focus of the advertisement, and I used a low-angle shot for the photo of the building and tree so it looks overwhelming and powerful. I'm linking my perfume advert in with the film "The Notebook," because the theme of my perfume advert is traditional love, and "The Notebook," is revolved around this idea. The two hands joining are also a reference to the two main characters of "The Notebook," as there meant to be in love with each other.

Originally, this perfume advert was meant to turn out differently. For example, the typography “Simplicity” was meant to be of both different style and font colour. For instance, it was meant to be of the faintest colour blue transparent against the background, and then it was meant to be positioned on the top. Then the perfume bottle is meant to be on the right hand side. However, I couldn't change these factors as the layers on Photoshop didn’t save properly so I was unable to change this factor. But the angle of the bottle would be at the audiences eye level, so it's clear what to look out for when buying the perfume advert. It would also of been a close-up shot. The typography at the top would be at a low angle, to make it seem more powerful, but the style of the writing would also have a "melting" effect, to make it appear to be seeping into the background.

The demographic classification of this perfume advert is for B’s, and the social value group is probably "Strivers" as social climbing is probably important to these types of stereotypical women, yet at the same time holding onto traditional values is
important. The reason why this is clearly important for people who will be attracted to this type of perfume is that my advert is a reference to the traditional love within the film “The Notebook.” This is a reference to “The Notebook,” because the scene with the buildings and trees give a very traditional value to the bottle. The symbol of the trees and the colour of the leafs also give of a feeling of winter and autumn.

1 comment:

mw said...

You need to start with the POSITIVES! Describe the use of church and tree. Low angle shot and how you positioned the clasped hands. Then talk about representation and explain clearly reference to 'Notebook'.

Then you can comment on the problems with typeface, colour and bottle positioning. Describe how you would have positioned them and how diagonals of image would have led the eye to bottle. mw