Thursday 15 January 2009

Women in the Film Industry

During my media lessons it has become apparent that men certainly have the upper hand within the film industry, as most directors appear to be men, especially in the Hollywood film industry. If you look at the films which have won the most Oscars within the last 10 years such as "Titanic," in 1997 who won 11 Oscars, "The Lord of The Rings: The Return of The King," in 2003 who won 11 Oscars and "Ben Hur," in 1959 who also won 11 Oscars, they were all directed by males. This is a huge problem within the film industry, as without women as directors, the audience loose out on seeing women views. However, this also creates the problem of male actors playing the leads in both films and TV series. For example, how often do we see an action or thriller TV series with a female protagonist playing the lead? In fact one of the only TV series which we do see a female taking charge is in "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," or programmes also such as "Charmed," which have three women leads who are viewed as being very powerful, and hold the upper hand against men.

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