Monday 6 October 2008

Miss Dior Perfume Advert

I found this advertisement in one of my magazines, and firstly I have to comment on how un-usual it is compared to other adverts I've seen. This most likely because there isn't actually a person featured, it's just the perfume showing of it's elegance. Therefore meaning you don't get a clear idea straight away on who the target audience is aimed at.
This advert is presenting the perfume as elegant and sophisticated. It's presented on top of boxes, so it portrays an image of a trophy. This is clearly showing of the perfume. The boxes themselves are beautifully wrapped, and the angle used is a high angle shot, meaning the audiences eye is looking at the perfume from below, making the perfume look grand and important. It's also a nice clear mid-shot, so you can see the mise-en-scene of what looks like a cafe.
The typography is laid out like a ribbon, suggesting this perfume is suitable for a present. The use of colours such as pinks, whites and yellows connote a sense of "girlyness", lightness and elegance. The flowers are also a symbol of this, which gives the advert a very feminine feel. The cup of tea in the photo also suggests this is a day time perfume, and is quite light smelling. It's almost telling you that if you buy this perfume, you will become pretty and sophisticated.
The mise-en-scene is of a little cafe in a pretty street, showing you what type of occasion you would wear the perfume too. The actual bottle is quite simple, with a bow figure around the top, again giving it a sense of femininity. There's no person actually shown in the photo, so its hard to gain an idea of what type of person it's aimed at. However, we do know this is very stereotypically a women's perfume. There isn't a hint of masculinity conveyed.
The demographic classification of audience is either a B or an A, because for starters this is clearly an expensive perfume, therefore middle and upper class can afford this. The typography is also very grand and sophisticated and the opposite of tacky, and the symbols such as the gloves would appeal to a higher market. Therefore this perfume is obviously aimed at "Aspires/Social climbers." This is because you can tell the sort of people to buy this perfume is interested in social climbing and high tech images. Louis Vuitton have also targeted this audience, and "Miss Dior" appeals to the same market. The social value group would most likely be "Strivers," as image is obviously important to the type of women who would buy this, yet at the same time the ribbon is a symbol of traditional values.

1 comment:

mw said...

Careful work Lucy. I'm not sure about the camera angle. Isn't the perfume bottle eye-level? The bottle is focus of the advertisement and I agree with trophy comment. mw